About Me

Pwnies Kitty


  Who am I?

  • A long-time techie, I started working in the computer industry in 1982 as a Field Service Engineer for Digital Equipment Corporation

Digital Equipment Corporation Logo

  • For the past 20 years, I have been specializing in cyber security activities, including Penetration Testing, Vulnerability scanning, Threat mitigation and the un-sexy side of security: Compliance


  • I worked as an Application Security Specialist (ASS) for 7 years at the Library of Congress.  See below, my ASS Hat:

  • From an early age, I showed signs of geekiness.  As a child, I preferred robots…

…to dolls

  • And, judging  by the zeal with which AARP is pursuing me for membership, I seem to have become a Geek Elder.

Italian women with a laptop.








The purpose of this site is to share some of the things that I have learned along the way and to talk about new exciting developments in Technology and Cyber Security.